What Causes a Receding Hairline in Women?

Although hair loss is often considered a problem that disproportionately affects men, women can often experience a type of hair loss. And, just like in men, there are several conditions that can cause hair loss in women. All of these conditions have a different cause and are diagnosed and treated differently.

Here are the most common conditions that can cause a receding hairline in women.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

The most common condition that can cause a receding hairline is female pattern hair loss. Also called androgenetic alopecia, this condition is characterized by a receding hairline and it can also affect men. However, while men experience this condition with a receding hairline, women are more likely to see a general hair thinning, rather than distinctive areas of shedding.

Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

Unlike female pattern hair loss, frontal fibrosing alopecia manifests with a truly receding hairline and scarring on the scalp. It’s a very rare condition caused by a scalp inflammation that destroys our hair follicles. There is still no treatment for this condition, although there are studies currently exploring possible options for therapy.

Traction Alopecia

As its name suggests, traction alopecia is a condition caused by placing constant pressure on hair follicles. This is usually a result of styling and using hair ties too often. Traction alopecia is often characterized by a receding hairline or hair loss at a specific spot where pressure is often applied. For example, if you sport a high ponytail and put your hair tie at the same spot, you’re more likely to lose hair on the crown of the head.


These are some of the possible conditions that can cause a receding hairline in women. If you start experiencing hair loss that lasts several weeks, contact your doctor so you can find the underlying cause.

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