5 DIY Pumpkin Hair Treatments To Promote Faster Hair Growth

Raw Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita Pepo) are rich in protein, beta-sitosterol, copper, iron, magnesium and minerals that prevent hair loss caused due to blocked follicles and dead skin build up by minimizing the DHT levels. It also helps to maintain a healthy, clean, and healthy scalp. It is known for its healing properties since the 18th century.

Essential fatty acids, zinc, beta-sitosterol, Cucurbitin, and other beneficial nutrients in these miracle seeds strengthen follicles overnight and making it thick. Eating a handful of seeds in a day or tossing them into a salad, sprinkle it over your baking recipe or bread, or adding it to your soup may help to grow hairs.


Tip 1: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pumpkin seeds contain copper that consists of melanin boosting properties that result in making dark hairs.



a) Take a frying pan and add one tablespoon olive oil to it.
b) Once it gets heated slightly, add one tablespoon cumin seeds.
c) After two seconds, add pumpkin seeds and cook it till it gets roasted.
c) You can also add garlic powder, cardamom, mashed red pepper to make it spicier.

Tip 2: DIY Homemade Conditioner

It reverses balding, stops thinning hair and makes them smooth and shiny.


You Will Need:

a) Shea butter
b) 1 egg
c) Apple puree
d) 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds oil


a) Cut an apple into two pieces and take its one half to extract out puree out of it or blend it.
b) Add oil and shea butter to the apple puree.
c) Beat the egg in a separate container.
d) Add the egg it this mixture while keep continually stirring it.
e) Rinse off your hairs and leave the conditioner for 20 to 30 minutes.
f) use a shower cap if necessary and then rinse it off.

Tip 3: Pumpkin + Honey Pack



a) Add two tablespoon honey to 1 cup pumpkin puree.
b) Apply this pack on your scalp and locks.
c) Wrap your locks with a shower cap and leave it undisturbed for at least 15 minutes before rinsing.

Tip 4: Pumpkin + Oats Pack

You Will Need:

a) 2 oz raw pumpkin pulp (seedless)
b) 2 oz unrefined coconut oil
c) 1 oz vegetable oil
d) 2 oz shea butter
e) 1 tsp organic oatmeal powder



a) Add shea butter, oatmeal, oatmeal powder and all the oils in a bowl.
b) Transfer them to a blender and pour it into an airtight and tinted container.
c) Immediately use it and use within five days if kept in the fridge.

Tip 5: Pumpkin + Nutmeg Hair Mask

You Will Need:

a) 1 oz filtered water
b) 2 oz raw pumpkin guts
c) 1 tbsp nutmeg oil or powder
d) 1 oz raw honey



a) Boil water and steep raw honey in a container.
b) Once it gets cooled add nutmeg and fresh pumpkin to a blender
c) Finally, use it as a hair mask.

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