Thyroid Problems and Hair Loss

The thyroid is a small gland located at the front of your neck. It is in charge of producing T3 and T4, two hormones that regulate the way cells use energy. A chronic imbalance in their production will result in thyroid disease. This condition can have many negative effects on your health. Here we’ll take a look at the link between thyroid problems and hair loss.

The Link Between Thyroid Problems and Hair Loss

When your thyroid is producing more T3 and T4, it results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Similarly, hypothyroidism occurs when there’s not enough of these two hormones. Both these types of thyroid disease have different symptoms. But there’s one thing they have in common: hair loss.

As you may know, any hormonal imbalance could lead to hair loss. Thyroid problems and hair loss thus go hand-in-hand for some people. Yet unlike male pattern baldness, your hair won’t fall out in patches. Instead, the condition will affect your whole scalp in an even manner. In some cases, you may not even experience this symptom, but your hair might still be dry and brittle.

It’s also important to know that the symptoms don’t occur right at the onset of the disease. Instead, it may take a few months due to the regular hair growth cycles. So, if you start your treatment early, hair loss might happen after your treatment for thyroid disease. Because of this, it may apear that it’s the medication that’s causing your hair to fall out. Don’t stop your treatment, as that’s likely not the case.

What You Can Do

As a rule, the hair loss caused by thyroid disease is only temporary. The symptoms will disappear after you complete your treatment. But it may take a while for that to happen because your body needs time to regrow the hair. It is thus important to remain patient throughout the process. If your hair loss problems persist after a while, you should visit your doctor to find out what’s causing them.

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