Dry Hair Treatments You Need To Learn

We all dream of having silky, abundant hair, but this goal sometimes seems impossible to reach. Dry scalp, dandruff, and brittle hair are some of the most common hair problems that anticipate hair loss and seborrhea.

What is dry hair?

The first thing we have to do is understand what we call dry hair: According to the WebMD page, hair is a formation of keratin cells which depend on the humectation that the scalp can provide through oil segregation. Lacking oil causes dryness and symptoms like itching, hair loss, brittle and dull hair.

The most common causes of capillary dryness are:

  • Scalp predisposition to produce little oil. This condition gets worse over the years, leading to other dermatological conditions such as dandruff and scalp scaling.
  • Cuticle weakening due to chemical treatments such as coloring, straighteners, sun exposure and extensions can weaken not only hair roots but decrease the upper hair strand layer with it the capacity to retain humidity causing it to look drier.
  • Alcohol-containing products, such as gels, can dry out the hair strand. Go for water-based presentations.
  • Swimming and water sports debilitates both skin and hair. Using moisturizers should be mandatory for you.
  • Washing your hair regularly or using aggressive shampoo treatments removes natural moisturizing.

Dry hair treatment

Open ends, fragility, hair loss, scalp scaling and frizz are the obvious symptoms of capillary dryness. Now, is there a treatment for dry hair? Yes, there is:

  • Wash your hair keeping resting intervals. Using products suited to your needs, wash your hair up to two to three days. That’s a healthy rhythm to keep your hair naturally moisturized.
  • You can even take the wash with shampoo one or two times a week, depending on your needs, and choose to apply rinses and repairing treatments every two days. This way you will be removing the residues of environmental pollution and excess sweating without removing the natural fat of the hair.
  • Before coloring and after applying it, massage your hair with coconut oil, olive oil, or if you prefer ripe avocado. All are quite efficient natural methods to rehydrate the hair.
  • Use a wide tooth comb and brushes. The lower the traction, the lower the damage and higher the strand preservation. On the other hand, do not brush or comb your hair while still wet as it becomes fragile and tends to split.
  • Hormonal changes can affect your skin and hair. Taking the pill, menopause and special endocrine conditions can affect your hair. If you notice alterations, pay a visit to the doctor and evaluate a prescription change.
  • Consult with a dermatologist to find the right type of shampoo for you. Usually, generic formulations that we see over the counter can cause even more dryness that we could imagine.

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