3 Reasons Everyday People Lose Hair

Losing hair isn’t always about some major life event or massive health problem. For some people, it could be due to everyday problems that many of us experience. When you’re looking at how lifestyle connects to your hair (or lack of hair), these three very common factors could be at play.


#1. A Lack of Vitamin B

Vitamin B is one of the building blocks for strong, healthy hair. Some people don’t get enough vitamin B, which can result in slower hair growth or breakage that leads to a thinning head of hair.

Some of the best sources of vitamin B that could help get your scalp back to tip-top shape include nuts and starchy veggies like sweet potatoes.

#2. Not Enough Whole Grains

Most adults in America do not get enough whole grains. When grain gets processed into refined flour, you lose the germ. The wheat germ is a source of a lot of the grain’s nutrients, including biotin. By robbing you of biotin, this diet mistake robs you of the nutrient that many say is key for preventing hair loss.

Instead of refined grains for breads, crackers and pastas, always choose whole grain products. This replenishes your body’s levels of biotin for glossier, stronger and more plentiful hair. Your skin and nails will thank you, too.

#3. Common Medications

Many medications can provoke hair loss, and some of them you might not even suspect! This includes over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen and other NSAID pain killers. Other common medications known to potentially cause thinning hair or balding include blood pressure medications, blood thinners, some antidepressants and lithium. Always talk to your doctor about side effects that you’re worried about, including hair health and hair loss.

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